Watt Events | Sasha B2B Franky Wah – SHÈN

Watch the one and only Sasha from up close as he takes the Sieraad stage on Friday, March 1st. Bringing the Shèn Ibiza concept to Amsterdam, the British powerhouse goes back to back with the driving force behind Shèn, Franky Wah.


Sasha b2b Franky Wah, extended b2b session
♪ Support by t.b.a.
♪ mainroom (atrium) & side room

Het Sieraad:

In an off the beaten path area of Amsterdam, at walking distance of the historical center, Het Sieraad is an over 100 years old former craft school-turned club.

Against a monumental backdrop of endless brick walls, pillars that seem to end in outer space, a glass roof and humongous stained-glass windows, nights at Sieraad are instant epic memories.

Carefully curated line-ups of the most respected international DJ’s and exciting local talents in House and Techno are a lasting tribute to the venue’s mission, where the old is celebrated and the new is shaped, treasuring the creativity and liberty that the city is known for.

  • This event is 18+
  • Doors open at 10PM
  • There is a €1,50 non-refundable fee for your drink cup
  • Lockers available (€5 plus €5 deposit)
  • Smoking is allowed at the smoking area outside
  • Earplugs for sale


The event is finished.


mrt 01 2024



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Het Sieraad

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